Find your ancestors in Prerogative Court of Canterbury Administrations Vol. III 1581-1595

Prerogative Court of Canterbury Administrations Vol. III 1581-1595

British Record Society volume 76

Published 1954

Introduction to Original Volume

This is the third volume of Prerogative Court of Canterbury Administrations to be issued by the Society and covers the period 1581-1595. Other volumes to be consulted are:

  • Glencross, R. M. "Administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury" (including abstracts) 1559-71; 1572-80. (1912-17, 2 vols. 8vo.)
  • Morrison, J. H. "P.C.C. Letters of Administration 1620-30" (including abstracts) (Roy. 8vo. 1935).
  • British Record Society' 1649-54 (vol. 68, 1944); 1655-60 (vols. 72, 74. 75. 1949-53)

Readers are referred to the Introduction to Vol. 68 mentioned above. Both Glencross and Morrison have given the names of the administrators and other information and it is perhaps to be regretted that the Society did not follow their example. The present volume, like the previous volumes in our series, is an index to the intestates only.

It will be seen that there are gaps in the series; 1596-1619; 1631-1648, 1649-1858; the Society hopes to fill at least the first two as soon as funds allow, while continuing the series of indexes to wills.

In conformity with the other P C.C. indexes published by the Society it is the civil year which is indicated. Thus an administration dated Feb. 1582/3 is entered as 1583. This is in conformity also with the books of the Court.
