Find your ancestors in Brands Directory South Australia / Sheep, Cattle, Horse Brands 1901

BRANDS DIRECTORY SOUTH AUSTRALIA / Sheep, Cattle, Horse Brands 1901

Do you have South Australian ancestors who owned horses, cattle or sheep?

If so, these Brand Directories are definitely worth searching. A horse or cattle "brand" was used by those who had horses, cattle or sheep, to brand them with a unique symbol or combination of symbols and/or letters; identifying who the animal belonged to. This collection contains tens of thousands of such brands for those in South Australia at the time of 31 December 1901.

This publication has been scanned at high quality, and is fully searchable, which allows the users to find a person or place of interest. In them, you will find the following information:

  • An image of the brand registered
  • Certificate number
  • Former brands
  • Name of proprietor
  • Run where the brand is to be used (address)
  • Nearest post town to run
They are divided into several sections including:

  • Arrangement of Brands
  • Horse and Cattle Brands
  • Pound Brands
  • Sheep Brands
  • Alphabetical List of Names of Owners
  • Cancellations and Transfers

These are a must for anyone exploring their family history or building their family tree.

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