Find your ancestors in Flint Banns

Discover your Welsh relatives in the Flint Banns from 1603-1926. You will be able to find the dates of your relatives’ Bann announcements, their parishes and your ancestors’ marriage date. The Flint Banns includes towns within the modern areas of Flintshire, Denbighshire and Wrexham.

The Flint Banns includes both an image and a transcript of the original record. Over the years the amount of information recorded has changed; therefore the information in each transcript may vary but most should include the following information:

  • Name
  • Year
  • Bride’s Name
  • Groom’s Name
  • Banns Date
  • Marriage Date
  • Bride’s Parish
  • Groom’s Parish
  • Place
  • County and Country
  • Page

Discover more about the Flint Banns

While researching your family history it is essential to remember that county and town borders can change. The Flint Banns includes the town of Flint, but also towns and parishes across the historic county of Flint. The historic county included towns; such as, Rhy, Meliden and Prestatlyn which are now included in the present day Denbighshire. In 1972, local governments in Wales were reorganised by the Local Government (Wales) Act. The County of Flint was abolished and consolidated into the County of Clwyd. In 1996 the unitary authorities of Denibighshire and Flintshire were created.

In order to understand these records better, it is important to know what Banns are. Banns are the announcement of a couple’s intention to be married. The purpose of the announcements are to give anyone in the congregation an opportunity to voice objections to the marriage. The Banns must be read out in church on three Sundays in the three months leading up to the wedding day. This is useful for those records which do not include the wedding date. By recording the Banns you now have an educated idea of when your relatives were married.