Find your ancestors in Isle of Man Marriages 1849-1979

In Isle of Man, Marriages 1598-1997, you will find both civil marriage registrations and church marriage records. The details found in each transcript depends on both the age of the record and the type of event. These transcripts were created from the civil registration index it may include the following information.

  • Name
  • Registration year
  • Registration district
  • Parish
  • Denomination
  • Residence
  • Place
  • Page number
  • Entry number

The Isle of Man is not part of the United Kingdom, instead it is a self-governing dependency, and therefore the Isle of Man civil registrations are separate from the registrations of England & Wales.

How to access the original images

You can order original certificates from all the transcripts generated from the civil registration index created by Denise Killen. These are the transcripts that list the registration year, registration district, entry and page number.

If you want to order a certificate, you will need to contact the Isle of Man General Registry either in person or online.

The Douglas Civil Registry Office

Deemsters Walk


Isle of Man