Find your ancestors in Pembroke Marriages

Discover your relatives through the thousands of Pembroke records which span from 1599 until 1928. The records will reveal your ancestor’s age at the time of their marriage, residence and the names of the bride and groom’s parents. Learn who witnesses your ancestor’s wedding and who performed the ceremony.

The records include both transcripts and images. The images are of the original parish record book and the transcripts are taken from the original records. Not every record will have an image attached.

The information in each transcript can vary, but most will include:

  • Name
  • Year of Birth
  • Groom’s Name
  • Groom’s Age
  • Bride’s Name
  • Bride’s Age
  • Event Year
  • Marriage Date
  • Parish
  • County and Country
  • Place
  • Bride’s Father’s Name
  • Bride’s Parish
  • Groom’s Father’s Name
  • Groom’s Parish
  • Page

Viewing the images of the record books will add depth to your family history exploration. The images can give even more additional information such as:

  • Condition (whether widowed, bachelor or spinster)
  • Rank or profession of bride and groom
  • Rank or profession of father of bride and groom
  • In the Presence of (witnesses)

The earlier marriage records are written in a list form, but after 1777 the parishes started to use the more modern marriage record books with segmented for each marriage and a clear format to be completed for all. This makes the records after 1777 much easier to read and ascertain valuable information.

Discover more about the Pembroke Marriages

Through the marriage records you will gain great insight into your relative’s life. You can discover was he/she did for a living, how old they were when they married and who they wanted to be present when they married. The records can give you up to four additional names to add to your ever growing family tree. Use the findmypast ‘My Family Tree’ feature to help you to keep track of your uncovered ancestors and each record you have found for them.

The Pembroke records span across three centuries and provide valuable information for your family’s history. Especially if your family lived in the same area for generations, you could possibly find more than one relative’s marriage record. The records include the wider South Wales Pembrokeshire County. Other prominent towns in Pembrokeshire are Milford Haven, Tenby and Haverfordwest, which is the County town.