Find your ancestors in Rugby Burials

Explore over 15,000 burial records and reveal your English relatives. The records will tell you how old your relative was when he/she died, where he/she lived and give you significant dates for your family tree.

Each record includes a transcript of the original burial registry. The details in each record can vary, but most will include the following information:

  • Name
  • Birth year
  • Death date
  • Burial year
  • Age
  • Residence
  • Dedication
  • Minister
  • Place
  • County and country
  • Entry Number
  • Record set

The market town of Rugby is located in the County of Warwickshire in the heart of the English Midlands. It is the second largest town in the county and home to the birth of the international sport of rugby. The Rugby Baptisms records the whole of the Borough of Rugby, including the towns of Bilton, Hillmorton and Newbold Upon Avon.

The invention of the sport of rugby is accredited to William Webb Ellis while he attended Rugby School, one of England’s oldest independent schools, in 1823. Today the Webb Ellis Cup is awarded to the winning team of the Rugby World Cup.