Find your ancestors in Scotland, Linlithgowshire (West Lothian), burials 1860-1975

Reveal your Scottish ancestry through burial records from Linlithgowshire (West Lothian). Burial records will display your ancestor’s final resting place. Some many provide you with the name(s) of your ancestor’s spouse or parents.

Every record will give a transcript with a combination of the following facts about your ancestor:

  • Name
  • Age
  • Occupation
  • Residence
  • Birth year
  • Death year
  • Death date
  • Cemetery name
  • Interment date
  • Interment number
  • Section
  • Lair – burial ground
  • Depth
  • Private or common ground
  • Additional information – may contain spouse’s name, parents’ names, or age at the time of death
  • County and country

Discover more about these records

All the transcripts in this collection were created by the West Lothian Family History Society. Burial records provide you with the final resting place of your ancestor. A burial location can provide you more details about your ancestor’s life. For example, you can search local electoral registers or directories for more information about your ancestors living in that area. Discovering whether your ancestor was buried in private or common ground will give you an indication of your ancestor’s wealth.

West Lothian, located in the south of Scotland, was known as Linlithgowshire until 1921. The county is home to the Blackness Castle, a 15th century fortress known as the ‘ship that never sailed’ because of the unique shape of the castle walls, which come together in a point formation, jutting out towards the Firth of Forth. You can also find the Linlithgow Palace, the home to the Scottish monarchs of the 15th and 16th centuries.