Find your ancestors in Sowerby Bridge & Illingworth Baptisms

Search through more than 29,000 baptism records and discover your West Yorkshire ancestors today. The records reveal your ancestor’s baptism date, birth date and includes the names of your ancestor’s parents. The records also give you the address and occupation of your ancestors. Was your ancestor a butcher, iron-dresser, wool sorter or weaver?

The records include transcripts of original baptism records. The transcripts were created by the Calderdale Family History Society, which was formed in 1985. The amount of information found in each record can vary due to legibility of the original records or the volume of details recorded. Most will include a combination of the following information:

  • Name
  • Birth date
  • Baptism date
  • Mother’s name
  • Mother’s residence
  • Father’s name
  • Father’s residence
  • Father’s occupation
  • Relationship
  • Place of baptism
  • County and Country