Find your ancestors in Oklahoma marriages 1842-1912

Learn more about the joining of ancestral family in your lineages through marriage records from Oklahoma, during the years 1842 to 1912. Uncover new details about your ancestors like their exact age at marriage and their parents’ names.

What can these records tell me?

There are over 20,000 records in this collection that each identifies a marriage in the state of Oklahoma. While the information for each marriage varies, Oklahoma marriages 1842-1912 typically provides:

  • First and last name
  • Marriage year
  • Marriage date
  • Marriage place
  • Marriage county
  • Birth year (calculated by findmypast)
  • Parents’ names
  • Spouse’s first and last name
  • Spouse’s birth date
  • Spouse’s parents’ names
  • Discover more about Oklahoma marriages 1842-1912

    Records in this collection date back to the very formation of the Oklahoma Territory and continue through Oklahoma becoming the 46th state in 1907. As the territory formed around 1890, counties were required to register marriages, so records generally begin with the creation of each county.

    Use these records to find your family members and learn important biographical information about your ancestors. The details you learn will deepen your family history and provide the facts you need to continue your research in our other collections of records and local newspapers.

    Findmypast is pleased to present these records in partnership with FamilySearch, Intl.