Find your ancestors in Texas, Bexar County burials 1855-2007

Uncover essential information about the final resting place of your family members. Learn the name of your ancestor’s cemetery as well as other interesting details about them, such as their nickname or maiden name.

What can these records tell me?

This index of burial records contains roughly 20,000 entries for individuals buried in several cemeteries around Bexar County, Texas. While the information for each person can vary, Texas, Bexar County burials 1855-2007 usually provide:

  • First and last name
  • Maiden name
  • Nickname
  • Age
  • Birth year
  • Year of death
  • Cemetery name
  • Volume
  • Page
  • Discover more about Texas, Bexar County burials 1855-2007

    The records in this collection date back to just ten years after Texas was first admitted to the United States in 1845, and continue for over 150 years, until 2007. Bexar County, Texas, has its capital at San Antonio, the seventh largest city in the country, and a city with a long and fascinating history.

    Discover new facts in these records that you can use to enrich your family history and continue your research. You may be able to use the details you discover to find your relatives in our other collections, including in Texas vital records.

    The information in this index was gathered by the Cemetery Committees of the San Antonio Genealogical and Historical Society and was edited and directed by Janey Eaves Joyce, CG.

    © San Antonio Genealogical and Historical Society, San Antonio, Texas.