About Cheshire Archives and Local Studies
The Cheshire Collection is an extraordinarily rich and comprehensive set of records provided by Cheshire Archives and Local Studies.
These records are essential to anyone with Cheshire roots or connections, as they cover not just the Church of England but also Roman Catholic and Non-Conformist registers, and, moreover, extend well beyond these core records of baptism, marriage and burial to a variety of other records giving biographical details for the residents of the county.
The records you can search in the Cheshire Collection are:
Bishop's Transcripts
Parish Registers
Non-conformist BMD registers
Workhouse Records
Marriage Licence Bonds and Wills & Probate
Electoral Registers & Land Tax Records
For additional help identifying records of interest there is a comprehensive guide to Cheshire towns and parishes and online mapping based on Cheshire tithe maps.
Cheshire Archives and Local Studies collects, preserves and promotes interest in and the use of archives, records and printed material relating to the historic county of Cheshire. The service has in its care many thousands of records, some dating from as far back as the 12th century.
As well as the records which have been digitised and published on findmypast. Cheshire Archives and Local Studies has extensive holdings of family and estate collections, hospital, asylum and school collections, local authority and court records, business collections including railways, chemical and motor vehicle manufacturers, diocesan, Chester Cathedral and parish collections.
Cheshire Archives and Local Studies also holds collections of local newspapers from the 18th century onwards, photographs, and the major collection of books, pamphlets, printed maps, trade directories and other local studies material.
Copyright Statement
Images reproduced by courtesy of the Cheshire Archives and Local Studies Service, Chester, England.
The Cheshire Archives and Local Studies Service gives no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or fitness for the purpose of the information provided.
Images may be used only for purposes of research, private study or education. Applications for any other use should be made to
Cheshire Archives and Local Studies Service
Cheshire Record Office
Duke Street
Chester CH1 1RL
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