Find your ancestors in Scotland, Berwickshire, Ladykirk Heads of Household 1811

Discover your Scottish ancestors from Ladykirk in Berkshire. This early census recorded the names of the heads of the household in Ladykirk in 1811. The index has been transcribed by the Scottish Genealogy Society. The original list came from the Kirk Session Records for Ladykirk.

The list recorded the name of every head of household in Ladykirk in 1811. It also recorded the following facts about the household:

  • Name (of head of household)
  • Inhabited houses
  • Families
  • Total persons
  • Males
  • Females
  • Agriculturists

The transcripts also make a note of the following items for your research:

  • Parish
  • Location
  • County and country
  • Household number