Ireland, Society of Friends (quaker) School Records

Search Ireland, Society of Friends (Quaker) school records

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Discover if your ancestor attended a Quaker school in Ireland. You may uncover your ancestor’s birth date, parents’ names, and date of enrollment in these records spanning from the late 1700s to early 1900s.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

These records have been compiled from various Quaker school registers and lists. Both transcripts and images of the original documents are provided for each entry. Transcripts will generally provide the following details about your ancestor:

  • Name
  • Age at last birthday
  • Birth date
  • School and department
  • Admission year
  • Leaving year
  • Document start year
  • Document end year
  • Father’s name
  • Mother’s name
  • Residence
  • Occupation of parent
  • Archive and reference
  • Folio and Roll number

Be sure to check the original image as some fields may have been missed in the transcription process. Images may also provide additional details about the school your ancestor attended.

Discover more about these records

The Englishman William Edmundson introduced Quakerism in Ireland. Edmundson had been introduced to Quakerism while in England and converted in 1653. He moved to Ireland the following year and opened the first Quaker meetinghouse in County Armagh. He is considered the 'father of Irish Quakers'.

Records kept by the Irish Quakers date back to the mid-1600s and provide a wealth of information.

Schools represented in these records

There are seven schools represented in these records.

  • Brookfield School
  • Camden Street School
  • Friend’s School Mountmellick – The Quakers founded the town of Mountmellick, and there remains to this day a Quaker population and meetinghouse in town. The school opened in 1786 and closed in 1920. Needlework was taught to the female students so they could earn money for their textbooks.
  • Leinster Provincial School
  • Munster Provincial School
  • Sunday School Register
  • United School

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