Isle of Man Roll of Honour Ww1

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Find your Isle of Man ancestors who fell in the Great War. The Isle Of Man Roll Of Honour recorded the names of those who died during the First World War or died as a result of wounds, injury or disease contracted on active service.

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What can these records tell me?

Each record includes a transcript of the original record, the amount of information listed varies, but the records usually include a combination of the following information:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Sex
  • Year
  • Rank
  • Death year
  • Regiment
  • Biography
  • Memorial
  • Parish
  • Other information
  • Record source
  • Link to the source website

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The Isle Of Man Roll Of Honour WW1 includes the names of those who lost their lives during the First World War, it also includes individuals who were honoured for bravery and exceptional service during the conflict.

Originally published in 1934 by the War Pensions Committee, the publication was funded entirely by Lord Stanley, Earl of Derby. In 1936, the War Pensions Committee donated copies to each parish church throughout the island.

The foreword, provided by Lord Stanley, reads ‘It is well that the deeds of those who died in the Great War should find a permanent memorial in such a list. Whilst this generation lives their names will not be forgotten, but other generations will arise to whom they will not be personally known. This Roll will serve to keep their memory green and future Manxmen and Manxwomen, when reading it, will realise that in our great struggle the Isle of Man played a noble part’.