Crimean War Casualties 1853-1856

Search Crimean War casualties 1853-1856

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Discover your military ancestor in an index of casualties from the Crimean War. Records span the years from 1853 to 1856. Discover your ancestor’s rank and regiment, as well as details of your ancestor’s service.

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What can these records tell me?

The Crimean War lasted from October 1853 to February 1856. The conflict was fought between the Russian Empire and Britain, France, Sardinia, and the Ottoman Empire. There were several motivations behind the war including the decline of the Ottoman Empire, the rights of Christian minorities in the Holy Land, and Britain and France’s reluctance for Russia to gain any additional territory.

The allied forces against the Russian Empire were 603,132 strong. However, the Russian Empire had a total of 889,000. Despite the larger force, the Russian’s suffered greater casualties:

  • Russian Empire – 450,125 casualties


  • British Empire – 22,182
  • French Empire – 95,615
  • Ottoman Empire – 45,400
  • Kingdom of Sardinia – 2,166

It is worth noting that the majority of deaths were not a result of combat but rather that of disease. For example, 2,755 of the British Empire’s force were killed in action compared to the 17,580 who died of disease.

Each result will provide you with a transcript of all or some of the following details:

  • First name(s)
  • Last name
  • Year
  • Date
  • London Gazette
  • Action, etc.
  • Casualty
  • Soldier number
  • Rank
  • Unit or regiment
  • War
  • Country

Records provided by Naval & Military Press and Manchester & Lancashire Family History Society.