Search Royal Navy Officers 1899-1919

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Discover if your Royal Navy ancestor was an officer during the Boer War or World War 1. Find detailed information about their progress through the ranks, reports on their conduct and abilities, ships on which they served as well as detailed personal information such as father's and wife's name.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

Each record is a transcript and an image of a service record from The National Archives ADM196 series.

The amount of information listed varies, but the Royal Navy Officers 1899-1919

records usually include a combination of the following information about your ancestor:


  • Name
  • Year of birth
  • Year of enrolment
  • Rank


  • Father's name and occupation
  • Wife's name and date of marriage
  • Dates of Orders and Commissions
  • Rewards & Distinctions
  • Examinations
  • Special Attainments
  • Ship on which served
  • Where stationed
  • Conduct & Ability reports

Discover More about Royal Navy Officers 1899-1919

A commissioned officer was someone who became an officer by being awarded a royal commission, usually after passing an examination. Commissioned officer ranks include: Admiral of the fleet, admiral, vice-admiral, rear-admiral, commodore, captain, commander, lieutenant-commander, lieutenant, and sub-lieutenant.

The Royal Navy Officers records contain the complete service histories of up to 79,000 Royal Navy officers who joined the Royal Navy between 1899 and 1919. This period covers two major conflicts: the Boer War and World War 1.

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