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These records document a brave and sad period in Scottish history known as The Killing Times. The transcripts were created from a variety of sources from The National Archives and National Library of Scotland. Discover if your ancestor signed the National Covenant and was considered a rebel of the state. Alexander Peden, one of the Covenanters leading figures, can be found in the records.
The transcripts were created by sources found at The National Archives and the National Library of Scotland. The sources include records of the High Court of Justiciary, the Court on Circuit, the Dittay Books, Edinburgh Tolbooth Prison Records, Trial Papers and Fugitive Rolls. Other sources include lists of prisoners brought into Edinburgh from Bothwell Bridge together with the Porteous Rolls of every County in the Covenanting area.
The detail found in each record can differ, but most will include:
These records document the names of those who were labelled as rebels or covenanters by the Scottish government. They signed the National Covenant to defend their faith against the intrusion of the government.
Reformation came to Scotland in the 1560s and by the end of the 16th century the Presbyterian Church of Scotland was established. In 1603, the crowns of England and Scotland were united under James I. Then in 1637, his son, King Charles I, introduced the Book of Common Prayer in Scotland. The new liturgy was similar to the Church of England, but had not been approved by the Scottish National General Assembly. Any opposition to would be considered treason. Many of the Presbyterian ministers of Scotland walked out of their churches when they were being forced to introduce the new liturgy.
In response, the Scottish Presbyterians gathered at Greyfriars Kirk on 28 February 1638 to sign the National Covenant. The Covenant stated that Jesus Christ was the head of their church and not the King. They not only dreaded the monarchy’s control of religion, but worried that the church would eventually be brought back under papal authority.
Civil War had broken out in England and the Scottish Covenanters formed an alliance with Oliver Cromwell against King Charles I and the Royalists. When Charles I was executed, the Scots supported Charles II as the new King who made promises of religious tolerance. Charles II ignored his promise to the Scots, outlawed Presbyterian services and tried to restore Episcopacy. Cromwell was outraged by the Scottish alliance with Charles II and invaded Scotland. Charles II went into exile until Cromwell died in 1658. Relief for the Scottish Presbyterians did not come until the Glorious Revolution with William of Orange in 1688.
During these years of Civil War, the covenanters were hunted, tortured and executed. It was known as the Killing Times. 18,000 Christians who would not compromise their beliefs suffered. Ministers preached at conventicles, secret open air meetings. If caught they were executed. Those who were not executed would be imprisoned or could be banished to the colonies. Thousands were banished to America. The names of those who were not attending the established Episcopalian Church were given to the Royalists. They were heavily fined, questioned and even tortured. Battles between the covenanters and the Royalists occurred at Rullion Green 1666, Drumclog 1679 and Bothwell Brig. They were fighting not only for their religious freedom, but also for the freedom of speech. After the Battle of Bothwell Brig, 1,400 covenanters survived and were imprisoned at Greyfriars Kirk. Many of them died of suffocation, starvation or exposure.
Alexander Peden
One of the most famous and controversial leaders of the Covenanters was Alexander Peden. The charismatic preacher was born in the parish of Sorn in Ayrshire. Multiple records for Peden can be found in the Scottish Covenanters 1679-1688. In 1663, he refused to teach the new Book of Common Prayer and left his church at New Luce in Wigtownshire. Peden began to preach illegally at conventicles and slept in caves in the hills and moors. He was declared a rebel in January 1666, when he failed to come before the Privy Council. A letter from the Privy Council described how Peden travelled, ‘the said Mr Alexander rides up and down the country with sword and pistols, in grey clothes.’ For 11 years he was on the run. To escape capture he wore disguises. One of his masks is held at the National Museum of Scotland. It was made with leather, fabric and hair.
Alexander Peden was eventually captured in December 1678 and sentenced to four years imprisonment at Bass Rock, then banishment to an American plantation. When the American ship captain, who was charged with taking Peden to America, learned of why he was being exiled, he helped Peden escape to Ireland. He lived in the north of Ireland and continued to preach and support other covenanters there. He did return to Scotland and preached all over Southern Scotland. His impact on the area is clear by the many place names attributed to him: Peden’s Isle in the Galloway Hills and Peden’s Pulpit on the summit of Ruberslaw. He was said to be able to prophesize and even predicted the end of The Killing Times and his own death. In one story, as he was preaching in an open field, soldiers arrived to arrest him and the congregation. Peden prayed to God for help and a heavy fog descended on the field, ensuring everyone’s escape. In 1682, he performed the wedding of John Brown, another famous Covenanter who became a Presbyterian martyr when he was executed.
Alexander Peden died a free man of natural causes on 26 January 1686 near his birth place. Six weeks later troops arrived at his grave and exhumed his body. They intended to hang him from the gallows but was stopped by the 2nd Earl of Dumfries. Instead he was reburied at the foot of the gallows as a final sign of disrespect from the Royalists.
Below is a full list of the sources used to create this index and descriptions of each piece provided by Alan E. Laurie. There is a lot of specific Scottish legal terminology in these descriptions. Language specific to 17th century Scottish law.
Privy Council Papers 3rd Series
Gift and Deposits (GD)
The Stent on the inhabitants of Lanark following the Privy Council fine of 6000 merks
Many of the accused were tried in absentia. When they were finally captured they made a brief court appearance when the original death sentence was confirmed and a date appointed for their execution. This generally produced an appeal to the Privy Council which normally granted an extension of a few months but sometimes only days. There may be a 2nd or 3rd prorogation and even a recommendation of mercy recorded in the printed Register of the Privy Council.
Many ordinary people were held without trial for what we would now feel were unacceptable lengths of time. They too appealed to the Privy Council for their liberty. These applications may be recorded in JC39 or in the printed Register of the Privy Council
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