Origins of the Mikkelsen surname

About the Mikkelsens

We have a total of 1806 records for people with the last name Mikkelsen.

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    Delve deeper into the Mikkelsen family's history

    OrkneyShetlandHighlandsWestern IslesGrampianTaysideCentralStrathclydeFifeLothianBordersDumfriesNorth East 2North WestIsle of ManYorkshireEast Midlands 6West MidlandsEast 1London 3South East 3South West 5South Wales 2Mid WalesWest WalesNorth WalesRepublic of IrelandNorthern Ireland

    In 1921, most Mikkelsens lived in east-midlands

    Census records trace your ancestors through each generation, so you can follow where your relatives lived through each decade.

    Interesting facts about Mikkelsen

    How common is your surname?

    You have a rare surname! It's not in the top 1000 UK surnames!

    We have for the Mikkelsen surname. The oldest one dates back to 1890.

    Who were Mikkelsens most likely to marry?

    Our tell us which families married Mikkelsens.

    What are the most common Mikkelsen first names?





    Our tell us the names of Mikkelsen family members
    Man with milk churns and census card collage
    Census records provide incredible detail on names, ages, marital statuses, occupations and more.

    Common jobs for Mikkelsens

    Men and women often performed different types of jobs, so these are displayed by gender to maintain their historical accuracy.

    Common female occupations for Mikkelsens in 1921

    Draper's Assistant




    Housemaid (Domestic)


    Masters Wife


    Now Night Watchman


    Common male occupations for Mikkelsens in 1921

    Able Seaman


    Farm Hands






    Semiskilled Welders And Flame Cutters


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