Find your ancestors in Tasmania Reports of Crime 1873

The Tasmanian Police Gazettes, commonly called the 'Reports of Crime' contain similar information to those of other Australian states. Listing general police information, promotions, demotions, those leaving the force etc, as well as property stolen, property found, arson, murder, warrants issued, arrests and discharges, absconders, missing friends, court notices, and inquests. There are also licences for hawkers, carriers, oyster fisheries, and tanners.

In this years' issues you will also find "Return of Paupers Discharged from Invalid Depots". These list the persons name, ships, district admitted, date admitted and discharged, and remarks.

Issued weekly, these are a goldmine of information for any historian (family history, local history or social history). Containing the names and dates of many thousands of people and events that occurred throughout 1873, finding information in here can help piece together stories in your family history.

Example entry taken from the 23 May 1873 issue:

An inquest was held on the 13th instant, at Melton Mowbray, before Alexander Finlay, Esquire, Coroner, on the body of James David, per William Jardine, F.S. Verdict:- "Accidentally killed on the 9th May instant, by being run over by a stage coach at Lovely Banks in Tasmania."
An inquest was held at Launceston, on the 6th instant, before Thomas Mason, Esquire, Coroner, on the body of Richard Markham, aged 29 years, F.C., per ship Hector. Verdict:- "Accidentally drowned."
An inquest was held at Launceston, on the 17th instant, before Thomas Mason, Esquire, Coroner, on the body of Honora Dean, aged 38 years, F.S., per D. Northumberland. Verdict:- "Died from natural causes, to wit, heart disease."