Find your ancestors in California, Los Angeles, San Pedro, and Wilmington Passenger Lists, 1900-1948

Discover key information about your family members who landed in the United States in the city of Los Angeles, in southern California. Learn essential details like their age when they arrived in the country and the name of the ship on which they traveled.

What can these records tell me?

There are more than 400,000 records of passenger lists showing arrivals in the city of Los Angeles, California, on the west coast of the United States. While the information for each person may vary, California, Los Angeles, San Pedro, and Wilmington Passenger Lists 1900-1948 usually provides:

  • First and last name
  • Age
  • Birth year
  • Birth place/nationality
  • Arrival year
  • Ship name

  • Discover more about California, Los Angeles, San Pedro, and Wilmington Passenger Lists 1900-1948

    The city of Los Angeles, California, is currently the second most populous city in the United States and has received new residents from around the world for decades. The city borders the Pacific Ocean, and is famed for its large collection of diverse neighborhoods, including the seaside neighborhoods of San Pedro and Wilmington. Los Angeles’ position on the west coast also means it was often the first United States port to receive immigrants from countries across Asia, like China, Japan, and the Philippines, as well as large numbers of people from Latin America. Explore these records and see how Los Angeles became the diverse metropolis it is today.

    Use these records to find out new details about your family members who settled on the west coast and expand your genealogical research. The information you uncover can then be applied to our other collections of California records and newspapers, as well as national collections like the US census or military records, to find additional details for your family history.