Find your ancestors in Utah deaths & burials, 1848-1960

Find your family members in the state of Utah’s death records. Learn extensive new information about your ancestors, like their family relations and place of burial, details that will help you continue your family history research.

What can these records tell me?

There are more than 140,000 records in this collection that each identifies a death in the state of Utah. While the information for each person varies, Utah deaths & burials, 1848-1960 typically includes:

  • First and last name
  • Age
  • Birth year
  • Birth place
  • Death year
  • Death date
  • Death place
  • Burial date
  • Cemetery
  • Street address
  • Spouse’s first and last name
  • Father’s first and last name
  • Mother’s first and last name
  • Discover more about Utah deaths & burials, 1848-1960

    The records in this collection provide lots of details about deaths and burials in Utah, from even before statehood until the middle of the 20th century. Utah mandated counties collect information on deaths in 1905, but many counties had begun earlier and recordkeeping of deaths became more common after Utah became the 45th state in 1896.

    Explore these records and uncover essential facts about your ancestors that can help to fill in gaps in your family history. You can then use the information you learn to find your family members in our other collections of Utah records or local newspapers.

    Findmypast is pleased to present these records in partnership with FamilySearch, Intl.