Discover death records this Findmypast Friday

2-3 minute read

By Daisy Goddard | May 17, 2024

Findmypast Friday

Over 750,000 new records to explore...

We made large updates to three of our existing death record sets this week, as part of our annual update of modern death records. Covering 1980 right up to 2024, there are 751,279 death records from Wales, Scotland and Ireland for you to explore.

We also added 417,546 historical pages to our newspaper collection, with the brand new Sporting Post and updates to 44 existing titles.

Scotland Deaths, 1855-2024

We added 497,172 Scottish death record transcriptions this week, spanning 1980 to 2024.

Edinburgh in 1954

Edinburgh in 1954, featured in the Findmypast Photo Collection.

If you've got Scottish ancestors, these new additions may help to fill a gap or two within the more modern branches of your family tree.

England & Wales Deaths, 2007-2024

We also added 225,815 Welsh death records to this existing collection, which covers the years 2007 to 2024.

Northern Ireland Deaths, 1980-2024

Last in our trio of death record updates is these 28,292 Northern Irish additions.

These transcriptions cover from 1980 to 2024.

45 new and updated titles...

We added over 400,000 newspaper pages to our collection this Findmypast Friday, so there's truly never been a better time to delve into detail-rich stories from the past.

Explore the brand new Scottish Sporting Post from 1986 in addition to 44 updated publications.

Here's a full rundown of all that's been added to our newspaper collection this week.

New titles:

Updated titles:

Have you made a surprising family history discovery? Whatever you've uncovered about your past, we'd love to hear about it. You can now get in touch and tell us using this handy form.

Last week we add Scottish occupational records, British Rolls of Honour and more. Don't miss out on this exciting addition - explore the full release for yourself today.

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Daisy GoddardDaisy Goddard