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Search free civil birth and marriage records

Our collections cover England, Wales and Ireland

Search birth and marriage records

Civil birth and marriage records have been vital markers of life-defining moments since 1837. Not only do our free civil birth and marriage records document the milestones of our ancestors’ lives – they reveal the societal shifts that took place as Victorian Britain evolved into the modern nation that we know today.



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Find family in free census records

Understand a detailed snapshot of their lives 

Search census records

In the 1880s, Britain was undergoing a dramatic transition. With migration from overseas and mass movement to booming new cities, society was changing at breakneck speed. Discover where your ancestors fit into a nation on the move in the 1881 Census of England, Wales and Scotland and understand what their households looked like at this fateful point in Britain’s history.



People recorded


3 April 1881

Date taken

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In partnership with the British Library

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How did our ancestors experience the changes of the 19th and 20th centuries? From colourful characters to community figures, their lives and stories were captured in column inches. Discover how these sweeping shifts shaped their world – and your family’s story – with our free British and Irish newspaper collections. 



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Search free Irish parish records

Connect with the stories of Irish ancestors

Search Irish parish records

Discover what may be the only surviving record of your ancestors’ early life in our free Irish Roman Catholic Baptism records – a sacred record-keeping tradition dating back to the 1700s. Glean valuable clues into extended family and community connections in a country where many other family history records have been lost, and build a picture of the Emerald Isle as your family experienced it.  



Cork county records



Dublin county records



Galway county records

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British & Irish Roots Collection

63,023,468 records

Search a uniquely wide variety of records from the United States and Canada. Each record identifies a British or Irish emigrant who came to North America.

Britain, Royal African Company 1694-1743

5,954 records

These passenger list records contain the names of thousands who travelled on board the Royal African Company’s ships to and from Africa.

Scotland, Highlands and Islands Assisted Emigration 1852-1857

4916 records

Search the names of those who left western Scotland for Australia with assistance from the Highlands and Islands Emigration Society.

Pennsylvania Immigrants, 1727-1776

30,000 records

Search names of Dutch, French, German, Swiss and other immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727 to 1776.

Queensland Naturalisations 1851-1904

12,190 records

If your ancestors immigrated to Queensland, find out whether they became British subjects through naturalisation.

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Search free travel and migration records

Trace your family’s journeys

Search travel and migration records

Was your ancestor an economic immigrant, travelling from Ireland to Liverpool in search of a better life? Perhaps they migrated for love, building a home in the United States or Canada? Millions of free passenger lists and travel records document the historical significance of these tough journeys. Over hundreds of years, they brought your family to where it is today.  

Search free military records

Uncover heroic ancestors

Search military records

Facing down enemy fire shoulder-to-shoulder. Providing first-aid to comrades on the front lines. Returning home a hero, or, in too many cases, tragically killed before the end of the war. Discover the sacrifice and sorrow of your family’s wartime experience with our free British military records, which cover World War I, World War II and everything in between.  

World War II records



British Army, Army Lists



Britain, Royal Navy, Navy Lists



Royal Air Force Lists

World War I records



Scotland, Rolls Of Honour



British Army, De Ruvigny's Roll Of Honour

In partnership with...

The National Archives

The National Archives is home to over 1,000 years of precious British history. Together, we're preserving that history forever by making it accessible online.

Directories & Social History

Back in 2011, we set out to bring the British Library's entire newspaper archive online. Millions of digitised pages later, our journey with the UK's national library continues.

Newspapers & Publications

Thanks to our long-standing partnership with the Family History Federation, we're home to millions of records you won't find anywhere else online.

Frequently asked questions

Is there a free way to find your ancestry?

You can use free family history records on sites like Findmypast to trace your ancestors back through the generations - it's free to start a family tree, and you can even access the vast record collection at no charge with a free trial.

Is Findmypast UK free?

Findmypast offers a portion of its historical records and newspapers for free, but you'll need a paid subscription to access everything that's on offer. With a free trial, you can search and save billions of records and newspaper pages.

How do I find my ancestry?

The most important first step is to start your family tree. Input your details first, then build out the branches with details about your parents and grandparents. You can fill in the gaps using historical records and newspapers.

Is there a totally free ancestry website?

While FamilySearch is the only completely free ancestry website, you can also discover your family's past for free with Findmypast. Browse our free records and use them to start your family tree.