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Oxfordshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Oxfordshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Oxfordshire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with M

Markquick households

Marks households

Marles households

Marley households

Marlow households

Marly households

Marmount households

Marner households

Marnes households

Marrah households

Marratt households

Marriott households

Marris households

Marroiott households

Marsden households

Marsh households

Marshal households

Marshall households

Marsham households

Marston households

Martell households

Marter households

Martin households

Marygold households

Mascall households

Mascord households

Masey households

Maskell households

Masklyne households

Maslen households

Mason households

Massey households

Massie households

Massingberd households

Massingham households

Masslin households

Mastersten households

Mather households

Mathew households

Mathews households

Matlock households

Matthes households

Matthew households

Matthews households

Mattick households

Mattingley households

Mattingly households

Mattock households

Maud households