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What will you discover in millions of Cambridgeshire family history records?

Cambridgeshire connections? Trace your roots with detail-rich Cambridgeshire parish records, military documents and more, all online at Findmypast. Your journey of discovery starts with your family tree.

Cambridgeshire’s history and heritage in a heartbeat

Peterborough is Cambridgeshire’s largest city, followed by Cambridge, its county town.

By the 6th century, Cambridgeshire was established by the Angles. The county's unity was broken by Danish invasions in the 9th and 11th centuries and only became settled again after the Norman conquest. 

Historically, Cambridgeshire, like much of the East of England, was mainly agricultural. Over 90 mills, multiple fisheries and wheat, malt and honey are all mentioned there in the Domesday Survey. While the wool industry flourished in the 14th century, the Black Death of 1349 and the War of the Roses took their toll. By the following century, many of the county’s towns were impoverished. Cambridgeshire’s economy continued to see peaks and troughs in the generations that followed, including the agricultural depression in the 19th century. 

In more recent history, the region’s flat terrain has proved suitable for several Royal Air Force bases. While it remains a major agricultural area, today, Cambridgeshire has a diverse economy. A cluster of technology businesses has developed in the Silicon Fen region. 

Since 1209 when it was first founded, the University of Cambridge has continued to grow. Today, it’s one of the oldest and wealthiest universities in the world. 

Psychedelic rock band Pink Floyd, the thermos flask and theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking are all closely linked to Cambridgeshire. 

Was your relative at home in Cambridgeshire’s fenlands? Or did they spend their life in academia frequenting the colleges, libraries and grounds of the University of Cambridge?   

The three gold crowns on the flag of Cambridgeshire represent East Anglia, while the blue wavy lines denote the River Cam.

Explore local Cambridgeshire records online

Where did your Cambridgeshire ancestors live? Where did they go to school and how did they earn a living? Discover every fascinating detail in our extensive range of family history records.

Cambridgeshire 1921 census: Collage of life in the 1920s

What was Cambridge like in the 1920s?

Saints, sinners or scholars? Discover what your Cambridgeshire relatives were really like in the 1921 Census of England and Wales, only available online at Findmypast. This century-old snapshot of local life is packed with family stories, secrets and surprises.

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Nicola Plaistow

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Comb Cambridgeshire newspaper archives online

Did your ancestor make headlines in old Cambridgeshire newspapers? Trace local life events in birth, marriage and death announcements or see the stories that affected Cambridgeshire’s communities.

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