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Explore millions of Kent family history records online

Does your family have Kent connections? Find out by searching Kent archives online at Findmypast. Access baptism, marriage and burial records you won’t find anywhere else online. Your Kent family history journey starts here.

Kent past and present

Julius Caesar first landed in Britain in 55 BC at Deal in Kent. Today, the county’s biggest settlements are Maidstone, Gillingham and Dartford.

Kent has a colourful history. It's been occupied by Iron Age tribes, the Romans, Anglo Saxons and Germanic tribes down the centuries. The county also became England’s centre of Christianity. Canterbury was the country’s first cathedral.  

Kent has a long history of building warships. Some of its coastal towns still belong to the Cinque Ports, a confederation created for military and trade purposes, but now solely ceremonial.   

The county has a diverse economy ranging from agriculture to aggregates, and orchards to designated areas of outstanding natural beauty. 

Kent is noted for its food and drink production and boasts an array of traditional recipes. The quality of its wine is widely acknowledged. 

Maybe your Kentish ancestors were some of the first to experience the convenience of eating sandwiches, a delicacy named after the county’s 4th Earl of Sandwich. Or perhaps they grew the hops for England’s oldest brewery, Shepherd Neame, which dates to 1698 and is still on its original site in Faversham.  

Founded in 597, Canterbury Cathedral is the home of Anglican Christianity.

Only at Findmypast

Explore Kent family history records you won’t get anywhere else online.

Kent 1921 census: Vintage photo of two men on a bicycle

The 1921 Census

Were your relatives living in Kent between the two world wars? This century-old snapshot reveals how life really was back then.

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Kent catholic archives: Catholic church

The Catholic Heritage Archive

Unearth Catholic family connections with exclusive Kent church records from the Archdiocese of Southwark.

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Kent parish records: Vintage sketch of workhouse inmates

Kent parish registers

Dating to medieval times, our baptism, marriage and burial records form the foundations of every Kent family tree.

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Your #1 source for Kent family history

“Findmypast is a brilliant site, especially the records for Kent, where my family originated.”

Bob Lampard

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Endless discoveries await in Kent newspaper archives

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