Origins of the Grant-Dalton surname

About the Grant-Daltons

We have a total of 87 records for people with the last name Grant-Dalton.

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    OrkneyShetlandHighlandsWestern IslesGrampianTaysideCentralStrathclydeFifeLothianBordersDumfriesNorth EastNorth WestIsle of ManYorkshireEast MidlandsWest MidlandsEastLondon 2South East 2South WestSouth WalesMid WalesWest WalesNorth WalesRepublic of IrelandNorthern Ireland

    In 1921, most Grant-Daltons lived in south-east

    Census records trace your ancestors through each generation, so you can follow where your relatives lived through each decade.

    Interesting facts about Grant-dalton

    How common is your surname?

    You have a rare surname! It's not in the top 1000 UK surnames!

    We have for the Grant-dalton surname. The oldest one dates back to .

    Who were Grant-daltons most likely to marry?

    Our tell us which families married Grant-daltons.

    What are the most common Grant-dalton first names?


    John Foster

    Ellen Emily


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