Find your ancestors in Aberdeenshire, Banffshire & Kincardineshire Monumental Inscriptions

Was your ancestor buried in northeast Scotland? By exploring these monumental inscriptions, you can enhance your family tree with additional names and dates of life events.

Each result will give you a transcript of your ancestor’s burial monument. Aberdeen & North-East Scotland Family History Society created the transcripts. Each transcript will vary depending on the age of the monument and its legibility. Below is a list of what you may find in the transcript.

  • Name
  • Death date
  • Denomination
  • Graveyard
  • Place and county
  • Inscription –you may discover the individual’s age at the time of death, who else is buried at the same site (including their ages and death dates), and who erected the monument.
  • Memorial reference
  • Notes
  • OS grid reference – this reference will identify a position on all ordnance survey maps
  • Source’s website – a link to the Aberdeen & North-East Scotland Family History Society website

Discover more about these records

The Aberdeen & North-East Scotland Family History Society has transcribed monumental inscriptions from three Scottish counties: Aberdeenshire, Banffshire, and Kincardineshire, also known as ‘the Mearns’. A full list of parishes is available in the Aberdeenshire, Banffshire & Kincardineshire monumental inscriptions parishes list. All the counties are located in the northeast of Scotland. Monumental inscriptions are memorials placed on a person’s grave or burial place. They vary in size and in how much is recorded about the person. Monumental inscriptions are an excellent resource for family historians because many record the names of other relatives such as a spouse, children or parents, as well as their birth and death dates.